Creation Of Virtual environment & Ansible Installation

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Install virtual environment on fedora

[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Install python 3.4 , 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python34
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python35
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python36
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python37
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python38

Go to the directory

[rothakur@localhost ~]$ cd ios-xrv9k

Install virtual environment wrapper

[rothakur@localhost]$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper 

Edit content of bash_profile file. (you might not have local)

 [rothakur@localhost]$ vi ~/.bash_profile
              export WORKON_HOME="~/venvs"
               source /usr/local/bin/

run bash_profile

 [rothakur@localhost]$ source ~/.bash_profile

Make vitual environment for desired python version

 [rothakur@localhost]$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 ansible27

Create a personal dev-workspace directory and clone the forked git code

 [rothakur@localhost]$ cd ~
 [rothakur@localhost]$ mkdir dev-workspace
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace]$ git clone

Edit postactivate file in virtual environment

 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace]$ vi ~/venvs/ansible27/bin/postactivate
                       cd ~/dev-workspace/ansible
                       pip install -r requirements.txt
                       source hacking/env-setup
                       cd $cur_dir
                       out="$(ansible --version)"
                       echo $out

Add upstreams

 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace]$ cd ~/dev-workspace/ansible/
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git remote add upstream
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git remote -v
 origin (fetch)
 origin (push)
 upstream (fetch)
 upstream (push)

Checkout upstream branches in gitcode directory

 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git fetch upstream
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git rebase upstream/devel
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git checkout -b stable-2.8 upstream/stable-2.8
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git checkout -b stable-2.7 upstream/stable-2.7  
 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$ git checkout -b stable-2.6 upstream/stable-2.6 

Set virtual environment with command

 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$  workon ansible27

deactivate virtual environment with command

 [rothakur@localhost dev-workspace ansible]$  deactivate


 Just like we setup environment for python27 we could follow similar steps for other python versions.