IOS-XRv6.1.2 Vagrant Quick Start Guide
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Install vagrant on fedora 30/31/32
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install vagrant
Create a directory
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ mkdir ios-xrv9k
Go to the directory
[rothakur@localhost ~]$ cd ios-xrv9k
Copy this to current location
[rothakur@localhost ios-xrv9k]$ mv~/Downloads/ .
Initialize VagrantFile
[rothakur@localhost ios-xrv9k]$ vagrant init ios-xrv612
Add the box with command
[rothakur@localhost ios-xrv9k]$ vagrant box add --name ios-xrv612
Confirm the added box with command
[rothakur@localhost ios-xrv9k]$ vagrant box list
XRv9k-612 (virtualbox, 0)
Run the vagrant up
[rothakur@localhost ios-xrv9k]$ vagrant up